Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Le Voyage avec Ellen part troix: The Dessert

We haven’t met our dear couple friends, Shane and Lindsay for a while. They just got back from Singapore for Shane’s medical check-up. It was great that when they came back, they invited us for to come over to their house for the dessert!

As always, Shane and Lindsay served the best that American desserts can offer. A tasty dark chewy brownies, a strawberry cake with cream cheese icing that melts in your mouth and since Ellen is a big fan of coffee it is appropriate not to forget the famous frapuccino a la Shane.

The night was a little chill but soon the conversation, the games, the just hang-out there warmed the air. It was just like Ellen. The first impression about her is that she is cold and unfriendly. But once you get to know her, you will soon find out about her warmth, care and love that surrounds you whenever you are around her.

It was a delight to spend time with Ellen in such a fun rollercoaster weekend. I believe in our human nature, it was our way to stay in her warmth, care and love that we could remember and feel as long as we could.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Le Voyage avec Ellen part deux: Sing!

As we felt that we still have so much energy even after Jogja trip, we decided to book a karaoke room at Quality the next day. Some of us would like to show off their singing talents in front of the public.

We have Peco, whose voice could make a woman flies into the seventh heaven.

Mega, with a powerful voice of Emilia Contessa.

Pita, the Siti Nurhaliza wanabe.

Fidel, the rock n’ roll diva.

Yohanes, who failed to woo the karaoke machine.

Andre, the King of Pop.

Hoho, Roma Irama of the day.

James, who I believe was a former Green Day member.

Cori, the singer and dancer of the day.

Dina, a fan of the eighties.

Naomi, the back up singer who actually can sing.

Diaz, the Gita Gutawa of the Nineties.

Jefri, who was so late.

And of course, Ellen, the queen of the Karaoke.

From pop to dangdut, slow to stinking rock, from mellow to hoompa toompa. We sang and danced till we got tired.

Actually, not really. We sang and danced till the time’s up and the karaoke machine stopped us.

We had fun!

Le Voyage au Jogja avec Ellen

Considering the limited time we have with Ellen, some of us decided to dedicate our weekend to be with her. The first thing we did was a trip to Jogja. Some of us, ten to be exact woke up early in Saturday morning so that we could catch a 7AM bus to Solo. From Solo, we headed to Jogja by a different bus. It was non AC economic bus which was interesting because we were entertained by some of the street musician along the way. Most of them sang with quite interesting voice, but there was one who had a really good voice.

Since Indiana Jones is on theater, some of us could not resist of buying tickets to watch the movie. But for some others, shopping and starbucking were more alluring than watching some guy running around in the jungle.

After shopping, window shopping, eating lunch, walking around Malioboro, talking to the strangers, and shopping again we finally met up at the train station to go back to Solo.

For most of us, it was the first time we took the train to Solo from Jogja. It turned out to be fun although some of us had to stand and sat on the floor because all seats were taken.

We arrived Solo right on time before the last fast bus to Salatiga left. But on our way to the bus station, we experienced a little bit of Solo city tour by becak. It was a lot fun!

The Saturday night is always busy even in the bus that took us back to Salatiga. Even after all seats were taken, the driver kept taking people in until it was so tight that people could not move. We thought the trip to Jogja was short but we felt so tired of the travel. One of us tookthe opportunity to sleep in the bus.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Old Town Rendevouz

Gereja Blenduk

The pictures were taken in the old town area in Semarang. There are plenty Dutch colonial style buildings in that area where people uses it for movies, music clips, artistic photographies, etc. The most famous building in the area is now called Gereja Blenduk. We were fortunate to visit the area and took some pictures of ourselves.

After Rafting

Here are the pictures after we're done conquering the wild river of Elo ;)) We then drove up to the volcanic viewing point where we supposed to see Mount Merapi. But it was cloudy and the mountain was covered with thick gray cloud all over. :(

To the River We Go ...

Last weekend, we got the opportunity to adventure a river called Elo in Magelang area. It supposed to be white water rafting but looking on the color of the water in the river it’s more likely to be called brown water rafting. Anyway, the color the water didn’t seem to distract all of us to enjoy the adventure. The rafting level on this river is fit for the beginners, which most of us are. It was a fun ride, full of splashes, screams, fights, swim, and paddling.

Pictures of April 2008

There I was, sitting on the soccer field thinking about life and God. I was amazed by the picturesque view before my eyes. The sky was a mixture of blue and the vibrant light of the sun. The trees just under it gave a little touch of the vivid color. I took some pictures, observed the results and decided to like them. I am thankful that God created natures so that we can enjoy and appreciate the beauty of it.