When I looked through some pictures that we took from our recent trip to Purbalingga, I found some that are interesting. I choose some of those pictures and then picked three that I think are worthy to be the Pictures of March 2009.
This picture was taken by Pita one early morning in Purbalingga. The object was Ibu Esti's bike (who is Dina's mom). It was foggy and the temperature was cool, I wish I could woke up early that morning and enjoyed the wonderful misty morning in that town.

We were in the town square, blended in with the people in Purbalingga enjoying the saturday night life. The square was packed with people, motorbikes and food vendors. The picture was taken by either Abbie or Peco, I am not sure, but I like the way all the motorbikes parked in a long row.
I love the picture of the bike and I have never seen so many motorcycles before! Good choices for the pictures of March!
do you realize...
1. you say there are 3 pictures but there are only actually 2?
2. you have not written ANYTHING for 3 months?
I am waiting for the pictures of April, May and June! = )
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