Unlike the other party, Joanna picked an unusual theme that was not exactly close to what I imagined. I knew she is moving to Papua but I never thought it would be the theme of our supposedly sad-tearjerker party. The Papua Night, that’s what she called and everybody has to dress up like a Papuan. Interesting, I said.
The night began with a nice dinner at Ibu Rini’s. As always, we enjoyed the meal at this restaurant.

But the real party wasn’t began until we moved to Joanna’s house. I was shocked because I was the only one who didn’t think much about making costumes and accessories. I just brought face paint as I thought it would best define a Papuan without getting half naked. Well, I was wrong. Most of them have thought in advance of making themselves as Papuan as possible without getting half naked. Smart!
I really enjoyed painting some faces though. With my creativity, I was making them looked so interesting in a different way. Overall, the costumes and accessories were hilariously beautiful and insane at the same time.
Joanna wanted this party as casual as possible so that everybody could enjoy the time. Some people played board games and some other just chatted or ate the food.

Selena, who arrived in time from Batam for this occasion, and whom I had the honor of painting her face, threw a great idea of playing Limbo. It was hard for people to play this game especially if they don’t have a good stretch on the body. But all of them did a good job.
Andre whose costume was more of like a ‘wong-edan’ rather than a Papuan and Sakri, who wore something of more Pocahontas than a Papuan princess, share the winning of being the most flexible people on the party.

The winning prize was a dessert of fresh strawberry and chocolate dip. The great thing was that the winning prize not served only for the winners but for all of us to enjoy. It was so deliciously like heaven!

The night was weary and the last bite of strawberry in chocolate dip was a perfect wrap-up of the party. Somehow that fresh strawberry reminds me of Joanna’s personality who is always fresh and colorful. And that tasty chocolate dip, hmmm … that defines of how sweet our friendship has been.
La dernière nuit avec Joanna a Salatiga, il est merveilleux!
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