I received a phone call from a friend this morning to letting me know that one of my good friends died of an accident last night. It was news that I never expected to receive in such a perfect morning. I made some phone calls to confirm the accuracy of this news on my disbelieved. While I was making a phone call, my mind was picturing him vividly.
He was a fine 26 years old guy, with a contagious passion in music. One day, we were at the church practicing some songs for the church activities. He played piano and suddenly he hit tones that struck me. I was always an aspiring songwriter who wishes to be one, one day. He kept playing and I wrote some words and tried to match with his tone. He accommodated the words by modifying the rhythm and the tone. He was so patience and giving great ideas on the song. Eventually we created one and we sang that song at the church the next morning. I couldn't even remember what song it was but that was a one time unforgettable experience that I have ever had in creating what so called an "art" and I was glad I did it with him.
After several calls confirming the accuracy of the news, I finally called his brother and shared my condolences. He was in the ambulance on his way to transfer the body from the hospital to their house. The sirene was loud and there were people talking around him. He sounded strong but I knew his heart broke.
A moment before I received the news, interestingly I read an e-mail from a dear friend who reminded me that there is a time for everything. There is a time to born and a time to die; a time to laugh and a time to cry; a time to joy and a time to sad. This is life, a fact that I often forgot.
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