Sunday, June 21, 2009


It's unbelievable that I haven't written anything on my blog for months. The end of the school year is always busy and this year was nothing different. My ability to write seems disappear when I get busy, so that is my excuse. But let me re-cap what has been going on in the past months through pictures :)

During Easter break, Peco and I went to Malang and stayed with my friends the Fairbanks. We had a great time hanging out with them, visited the grande Bromo, Batu and ate Bakso Malang.

Yes, the year of 2009 marked my 30th birthday. Can't believe I am that old but I don't feel old and I don't think I am acting like 30 which is worrying me cause I have to be aware that I am no longer 'young'. Anyway, it was a special day because instead the regular me arranging my own birthday party, my dear friends did it for me. They cooked a delicious Italian food with salad and sparkling grape juice, and a strawberry cake for dessert. It was funtastic!