Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Solafide Xmas Party '08

It's that time of the year again, the time of celebration of the coming of the Savior! It's always a blessing to be able to celebrate Christmas with family and friends. This week I started the Christmas celebration with friends from Solafide. It was simple, warm and fun. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Pictures of December 2008

It's been raining constantly these past two weeks. It's exciting cause it changes the color of the trees, grass, and even mountains to look even greener. I have some pictures that Sid sent me from his bike trip one morning. Looking at those pictures, I am just thankful that I live in Salatiga.

I guess these pictures would the closing of the Picture of the Month this year. Gosh, can't believe that it's already the end of December!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I’ve been struggling to keep up with my job lately. Tired and burnt out, I feel like I have no goal and can hardly focus on what I am doing. Things a bit different this morning when I called some mother and letting her know that her daughter just got accepted at our school. She was excited, happy and couldn't stop laughing while praising the Lord. Somehow, her response refreshes and helps me to move forward. I believe this is His way to show me that this job is worth doing.